Every year paddlers from all over Newfoundland meet in the Terra Nova Park region for the annual kayak retreat. An opportunity for learning, practice and exploring the coast.
This year one of the trips went from Burnside to St.Chad's - despite an overcast day it was a great paddle. The weather held to allow for a lunch on the beach.
Another feature this year was our guests:Freya Hoffmeister and Greg Stamer.Known internationally as instructors and greenland style competitors Freya and Greg were great resources to have on hand for the weekend. The weekend cooperated to provide access to icebergs around Trinity and Salvage. Remarkably, Freya, despite all her travels had not been up close to an iceberg prior to this trip - who would have thought? See our intrepid kayak photographer Tony Lee on his Kayak the Rock website for more iceberg photos. go to: www.kayaktherock.com Freya conducted a series of clinics, individually working with paddlers on rolling technique using greenland approach. Greg conducted clinics on greenland strokes using greenland paddles. An added bonus was that he provided critique and feedback on our efforts to make our own greenland paddles.
I was fortunate enough to be drawn for the one on one session with Freya and received a number of excellent suggestions on ideas to increase the consistency of my rolls. In addition, I got to spend a number of hours with Greg working on greenland paddling.
I will be spending a little more time refinishing my paddle and altering the deck bungees to accomodate it as an extra.
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